Thursday, May 5


family guy is over :-( ah well, i guess nothing is forever*. it was pretty funny. futurama was pretty good too but i came in half way thru it so i missed some. bender was trying to be a girl was pretty interesting. FOOD!!!!! i miss food:-( ok, it's early thursday and i haven't actually eaten any food since sunday. i promise, stomach and food, i will never do this to you again!!! it's some wierd de-toxing thing that my sister suggested we do for, get this, fun. NOT FUN. food is fun, is fun. hopefully, i'll be done with it soon though. then, after i ease back into food (you have to eat stuff like raw veggies and fruits or you'll barf), i'ma gonna have myself a JUNK FOOD AWESOME PARTY!!!! i'll gather all my edible friends around me and i'll eat till i forget my name...wait...what is my name? HA...o...wait, that's bad. better call the doctor...AGAIN!! lol, jk.
i'm proud of myself though because i really trully haven't cheated and ate something. all i've had was this weird concoxtion that you're supposed to drink (water, lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenn pepper). oh yeah, and some peppermint tea....but that's SO allowed...i swear. you get these wierd crazy hunger pains and all you can think of is, "i want to eat lunch...why can't i have just one measly lunch!!" but if you stick with it, you get used to it and the hunger pains kind of go away...kind of....not realy, i'm, of course, sort of lying to try and make these stupid hunger pains go away!! but you get really weak sometimes and then your hands shake (sometimes) and you feel wierd. i'm always like, "o god! i'm dying!! SAIED!! SAVE MEEEE!!!" but of course i'm only over-dramatizing (my favorite sport, next to football that is). note to confused readers: i'm random so i use weird spelling and capitilization. plus, this blog is named, "oh thank heaven" because that's 7/11's (the conveniance store) motto. if you looked at my thingy it'll say that that is my birthday. so that is, therefore, my motto. well, i wanna go read or sleep. hopefully i won't think about food. please, whoever reads this (if anyone) EAT FOR ME!!!!! lol, just kidding! i'm really not that dependent on food! why else would i have this body!


Blogger Polenta said...

by the way, this was posted at 12:39 and the little * stands for, "some restrictions apply. just thought that some of my confused readers might find this confusing or amusing.

Thursday, May 05, 2005 12:39:00 AM  

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