Thursday, May 5


ok, who said that food was mandatory? whoever said that you needed food to survive?? WELL THEY WERE DAMN RIGHT!!!!! i need food. it's thursday...i haven't eaten...since sunday...not good, right? RIGHT!! this terrible concoxtion mentioned in blurg is tasting really bad now (sniff-food, i miss your sweet taste!). i have to drink so much of it and there are little pieces of, get this, lemon rind in it!!EEEEWWWW!!!!! i mean, at least it's something to chew on but still...i really don't wanna drink it anymore. but if i don't, then what will tide me over till tommorrow?? we have decided to stop on friday and have some raw foods. i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm, i have to find my sister's blog and i don't have her e-mail anymore, don't know why...i didn't do it...not me...not i...
i'll go look now. she likes computers so i'll look under that....NNEEEDDD