Tuesday, May 23


Well, it's started! My job has finally begun! I didn't know it, but I was straining at the lead to get back to a full-time job. It has this affect on me. During the summer, all I have to worry about is stepping out of bed. Then everything flows from there. Somehow, I find myself at the end of a work day with splinters in my hands, cuts, scratches, and bruises everywhere, worn out, flaked with alfalfa and timothy hay as well as bedding straw, and you know what? I'm so entirely happy that I can't even begin to disinfect my bleeding arms. I just want to run around the zoo crying, "I WORK HERE! I AM A KEEPER AT THE ZOO!! I WORK AS A KEEPER HERE, AT THE ZOO!! I LOVE MY ZOO!! (hey, how bout you?-stupid logo)"

Oh, and I got sunburn today. SUNBURN!! I am so happy that the sun is back!

p.s. Rochwen, that stuff we talked about on the phone on tuesday night...that stuff about...amit and Z. It doesn't matter anymore. Because Obi is so sweet I can't look them in the eyes!


Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

sure... sure, like i'm gonna believe that... just like you're gonna believe that i don't have a crush on Blonde Over Blue, and if I do it's all your fault!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sun! i love sun!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:51:00 AM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

ok, maybe for you... but there is no way i can forget about Blonde Over Blue, you just have no idea. wow, no idea what so ever. i would swear on anything you wanted including the silmarillion that there is not one guy, not ONE SINGLE guy in hollywood - not brad pitt, not orlando bloom, not even that one guy who plays wolverine - that can even begin to compare...

ack!!!! shut up brain! just shut up!

seriously. GEORGIOUS. just plain, freaking georgious. potu, his eyes are going to kill me!!

no, i did not just say any of that. forget it all...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:42:00 PM  

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