Friday, May 6


hmmm...vegetarianism...hmm. well for one, that's a big word. but it's also a really big theory. i'm havin a problem...yeah, a real problem. i don't know exactly what to do. lemme explain to y'all.

if you read my profile, you'll see that i'm an extreme environmentalist and i really love animals. i've been thinking a lot about being a vegetarian. i mean, since i really love animals, why would i eat them? it just doesn't make sense! but since i've had meats...i realize that i like the taste of them. i'm ashamed to say that sometimes, the prospect of a big whopper from BK is above my firm stand against eating a cow.(whimper) this is not the person i wanna be! i mean, even today, the first day off my stupid de-toxing thingy, i had meat! i admit, i will miss meat if i give it up. but i do think it's the right thing to do! i wonder if i could actually do it? become a vegetarian, i mean.


i think it's worth a try, at least. and if i balanced my meals well enuf, i would probably be eating much healthier! and that's good...right?

well, i think so. i'm really think i'm gonna do it!! i really think i will! the way i could avoid meats is, whenever i got tempted, i could just see in my mind the face of the animal that i am prospectively eating. THAT WOULD STOP ME!!!definitely!!!! i mean, how can someone actually eat, like, a burger when they see the face of a loveable cow? i can just hear him, "moo! you stupid idiot! gimme my meat back! that's not yours! hey, my race has been here just as long as YOU STUPID DUMB-ASS HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!! plus, as everyone know, you're not even the smartest race on earth! Mice are! and you aren't even second! dolphins come in second, you dumb homo sapiens!"

awe! how cute! the cow is speaking!!!


Blogger Polenta said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I am gonna read about balancing my diet so I don't run out of steam. Hey, I need some help from you for this blog and my new one. It's going really well so far but I need some pointers to make it cooler! Thanks for the advice and I hope to talk to you soons!

Saturday, May 07, 2005 10:23:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

I think it would be really cool if you became a vegetarian, I've been a vegetarian all my life and I turned out fine (well, that my not be entirely true... But as long as you make sure to get plenty of protien you'll be fine. You can get protien from cheese (yum!), eggs, tofu and even vegetables. Yes, we may have started out as hunters but that does not mean we have to continue being hunters. Sorry to be so contradictory Maggie :p See ya'll later! Au revoir!

Monday, May 09, 2005 11:41:00 AM  
Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

child, you should learn to eat raw meat!!! It is good. come here rabbit...

Monday, May 09, 2005 3:48:00 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

It's easy, healthier than eating meat and in no time you'll feel much better and not miss meat.

"To live a life in fear of changing is to not live at all."

Monday, May 09, 2005 10:12:00 PM  
Blogger Polenta said...

Thank you, josh, i'm really seriously contemplating it. it's good to hear from people who have made that step and feel that it was a good choice. i'm gonna go check out ur blog now..he he he

Monday, May 09, 2005 10:20:00 PM  
Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

whose this josh guy? i don't like the looks of him.

your humble servant of doom

Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:38:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

you haven't seen him, you don't know him, sauron's kid you idiot.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:54:00 PM  

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