Saturday, June 18

why the hell am i so freakin happy?????

i seriously had a fun time. and believe it or not (this means you, yellow ducky) but i am still so happy to be me and living the life that i do. true, things happened to make me feel a little lost and a little sad. but those tears have already fallen from my eyes...i've moved on so quickly. does this mean that it was never true? was i just believing what i said because i could write it? or feel it? i think maybe. possibly, dreaming about him was more fun than being with him. that does kind of hurt me a little but i'm so wierd that as i write this, i'm actually smiling. and do you know why? it is because i love the person that i'm turning out to be. i'm more mature in my feelings and i can actually sit back and observe life, learn from it. i used to run inside of it and try to take control. you can't though, you know? life just sort of happens. that's why i'm watching, learning, but still participating in an un-trying-to-control-everything way. it's nice.
but seriously, the party was sooooo fun. omfg, gray bean, those movies were so sucky! i mean, it was one thing to just catch the end of them. but it was another that they were both so freakin stupid and bad! yeah, and i am so happy because i totally got hit on by guys. asked out too, but i declined. the thing with this guy (who shall remain from now on as "cid" cause he kinda looked like that kid from toy story) is that he he was a.d.d. and half the time, i still thought that we were talking about the previous subject. he made me really uncomfertable, especially when he put his hand on my back (which was exposed because i was wearing a halter top which looked-shazam!). he asked me out and guess what honest little grace goes and says? lol, i should have been straight with him but i said,
"um, actually, i'm not allowed to date. my parents...REALLY strict, you know?" lol. then when he asked for my number, i told him that i couldn't give it out. geez, i should have just made my stupid stand partner happy and told him that i was amish. that would have worked except for the fact that i was wearing a colorful halter top, geans, had my hair all down and un-neat, and had been already called a hoe by several very bad boys that night in front of cid.
but then this other guy was also hitting on me and dan pinched me in the butt (which he totally payed for with some slaps-but it was hillarious and i didn't hit him too hard because i knew he was just joking). plus, me 'n' mikey got into several hitting contests which was fun and i totally have some bruises from where he was hitting me, near my knee and on my upper arm. he better have some too because i was hitting pretty hard and a lot, like him, lol. the fact that it sort of ended in tears is irrelivant. i have already dealt with that and i'm picking up the pieces. true, it was depressing, but i live with things like this. i really have moved on. truly, deeply, i have. no lie. and you know what's messed up? i'm so happy STILL!!!!


Blogger tay said...

i know ur happy, you're froggie. but geez, you've gotta at least have a little speck of sadness. everybody does. its okay to.

Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

whoa, sounds extremely exciting.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:37:00 AM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

sounds great, wish i could go to something like that. but one thing is if a guy pinched me in the butt, even if he was just playing, i would punch his lights out! lol.. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:51:00 AM  
Blogger Polenta said...

well, this kind of behaviour is simply how us zooteens kind of communicate and play around. yes, a little speck of sadness remains but i'm still so freakin happy!

Sunday, June 19, 2005 5:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cid what kind of name is that????? I never got to see "Cid" because every time you saw him you would go "That's him! That's him" then I would turn to look and see him and he would be gone or I'd only get his back!

the last true artist

Monday, June 20, 2005 12:14:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

yah, i was thinking the same thing as you soccer star (by the way, would you mind giving me a name, even if it isn't your real one that i can call you... soccer star just doesn't seem like a "name" if you know what i mean) if a guy pinched my butt i would totally have a fit and probably knee him in the you-know-where, even if it just is the way the zoo teens are.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:06:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

ehehehehe....yeah okay a name........ummm well i don't want to give out any personal info...but you may call me...... Kandy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:47:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

Yeah, I have just begun to notice that all boys are perverts...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:17:00 PM  
Blogger Polenta said...

you girls actually think that i didn't kick him where the sun don't shine? of course i did!! but i kinda made a fool of myself when he pinched me, i kinda jumped a little, lol

the one and only undisterbed yamath

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:19:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

lol hahahaha!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:50:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

lol! carritt, you deffinently need to get out and do something... besides summer school before you kill some one... and yay!! now i can call you Kandy! that's cool!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:00:00 AM  

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