Sunday, June 11


Hey look, people, look! I'm updating!!! DO THIS TOO! WE ARE KEEPING BLOGGER ALIVE!!!

So, I realized something about human behavior today.

Today, I got pretty pissed at some co-workers. Miscomunication happened and I got the fuzzy end of the lolipop, so to speak.
When someone gets annoyed or sad or angry or something like that, their usual response is not to try and hide the hurt/pain (etc.) but to flaunt it. I know that not everyone does this but I noticed that I did it myself, today. See, I believe that it's because we are worried that our friends, or those around us, won't care enough (or know us enough) to recognize that something is wrong if we would try to act like nothing was bothering us. I think that it's an insecurity that we feel. When people get upset, often they like to have other people comforting them or listening to them rant. Also, it's often that the person who is unhappy doesn't want to have to approach their friends and let them know their feelings. It's common that the upset people would rather their friends figure out that they are unhappy and then try to help them. But see, we don't all have friends who care this much. I know that if I was with you guys, I could have tried to act completely calm and one of you would have been like, "Grace, I can tell that something's up. What's wrong?"
Mia even did that to me today, further proving my point. However, with some people, I feel like I have to shout it to them before they catch on! And then when she did catch on, she made it all about herself...and I hate that. Sometimes, she's so stuck in her messed up world that she doesn't even think that mine might be less than perfect, which is completely. She's screwing up her life and loving it. I get to wait in the wings and be the friend that she needs when it crashes down around her.

Friends...a definition that bears repeating. You guys are my friends. I'm so glad I have you all.


Blogger tay said...

friends rock.
you are my friend.
you rock.

Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:08:00 AM  
Blogger Ruthie said...



Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:30:00 PM  
Blogger Dryad said...

Wait, uh... Was the last part of the post about Mia or am i just really confused?

Haha I just realized I got 8 hours of sleep or so... go me.... hahaha...

Friday, July 07, 2006 9:41:00 AM  
Blogger Dryad said...

July 7th... That's when I posted. That's the day Syd Barrett died... I posted... The last day... of Syd Barrett's life... and, ya know what? He was born in CAMBRIDGE... I KNOW... and guess where I was staying for a week? With a senile woman in cambridge. I missed Syd Barrett by a few weeks... GRRR. I didn't find out he died until the 11th. You people probably have no idea what i'm talking about...

Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:04:00 PM  

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