Tuesday, May 10

links are up and running

i just finished watching a new cartoon on Homestar Runner. it was really great! i love that site and now, thanks to my sis Mags, you can too! she helped me get my links up and running. so go check it out. also, i highly recomend going to rune scape. It's, like, THE BEST GAME EVER!! but i will warn you right here and now. it's addicting. but still, it's worth it. plus, i'd also recomend that you go check out rochwen's blog. she is my best friend in real life and she's just started one. it's pretty cool. the other site is to sauron's kid's site. this person has commented on my blog severall times and their site is pretty cool. all y'alls should check it out! well, i'm gonna go read other people's sites now so...bye!


Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

yes, homestar runner is awsome, and hillarious and random. RuneScape... Deffinently the best of the best game ever, even though it is the beginning of all my problems (see the story of my life on my blogspot), although hopefully my troubles will turn for good. Sauron's Kid? I think he had a bad background or something... He's a little on the wierd side, but his site is sweet. Au revoir! Namarie!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:23:00 AM  
Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

You know i can see that, don't you? You think just because i'm cooped up i must be some deformed monster with no internet connection??? well...I hope you...sleep well tonight. oh and, i don't know where you live at all...nope, nada, no knowledge(hehehe)

your humble servant of doom

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:37:00 PM  
Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

oh and, yes, my site is sweet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:37:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

Sauron's Kid,
I apologize most profusely for hurting your feelings. "A little on the wierd side" was not meant to be a criticizement. I find people who are "a little on the wierd side" make the best friends. I hope you will forgive me *sob*.

Your joyful maiden of horses

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:51:00 PM  
Blogger Polenta said...

jeez, will you guys stop having conversations on my comment place!!! you know, someone might wanna actually comment here sometime but think, "well, she's got enough comments already"!i so do not want that to happen. go converse on your own blogs...but do still leave comments on mine:-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

i, of course, forgive you, roch. i know that you guys are just curious about my life and stuff so i'll just side-step that factor. i will be, hereby, less picky about what other people say about of to me.

your humble servant of doom

Friday, May 20, 2005 3:06:00 PM  

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