Sunday, July 24

my can be busy!

day in the life of grace, the dog show worker (see? i really do work)

alarm clock: it was set for eight...but someone must have snuck up to my room after i went to bed and turned the alarm off! sigh, okay, i guess i was a little tired and must have forgot to turn it on. but that's really okay. i woke up instinctively at nine. roll out of bed, cursing at my clock under my breath (the only real way that i cuss unless i'm EXTREMELY mad. well, you'll know if i'm mad...i'll be cussin up a storm)
shower: screw the shower. i'm too tired and lazy.
clothes: real smelly and disgusting...not washed...lazyness realized. smell overcome and clothes put on.
book: harry potter and the sorcerer's stone. re-reading them till i am allowed to read the sixth one. have to wait for mother and sister to read. planing on stealing their copy or buying another one. grabbed it and headed downstairs.
breakfast: despised meal by me. but i don't have a ride to work if i don't eat it. ate the rest of a cheese pie (i know, wierd but if i have to have breakfast, it better not be breakfast food). good, she didn't see me eating something stupid.
couch: relaxed upon. read book. waiting for ride from father.
9:40: really nervous. takes about twenty minutes to get to the zoo and i don't wanna be late for work.
father: finally shows up and we are off.
10:00: arive at zoo. run to clock in. make it in time! i'm off to start the day.
children's zoo: enter from big gates at side. grab my keys. make fun of brad and steve and then head for the ampitheater.
ampitheater (who knew this was comin???lol): walk up steps into shell. curse under breath. door is locked from inside. if allyson had been here, this so would not have happened. me and my scattered brain. go around through the entrance to the SCIENCE BUILDING (not the museum, durr) in the back and then into the indoor theater. sidle up to the door to the backstage entrance of the ampitheater shell. see that park ops has NOT locked padlock!!! yay!!! do a little happy key dance and then look around to make sure no one has seen. open the door and grab the tunnel, three jump bars, 15 cones, and two useless mijer frisbees (i miss our shirts and sports drinks!!).
10:20: ampitheater is set up! record time for me! speakers are still down but i figure i can let sound person do that. watering can=filled, agility course=complete. still 10:20....what am i gonna do for forty minutes?????
weather: really heavy and dark. can almost taste the dank air as i head back to the cz (children's zoo, you idiot). notice hard labour going on just outside of the back door. smile because i'm sixteen and rush to help.
rails: load up rails that used to be in front of the contact yard into a zoo van. grab shotgun. in back=nate, jillian, steve, and matt. seatbelts for them=NONE. injuries=many (jk, lol).
drive: over to Africa! side entrance from the back entrance of cz (children's zoo, you idiot). hop out to open door. realize that it is raining.
unload: all the rails and then jump back in the van for the trip back. van seems all of a sudden very big to the people in back. nothing to hold onto!! snide comments made about relatives of steve. arrive back at the cz (children's zoo, you idiot). still raining. was that thunder? yes.
"hey, nicole?"
"are we gonna have the dog show in these conditions?"
"oh, i think we'll just bring out the dogs for people to meet"
quarentine: i head back to quarentine under the impression that we are only doing short little meet and greet with our animals. lena and eddie are happy and eager to see me. i get out lena first and put her on a leash. yes, she's very excited. so much that now i have to go get the hose and clean up that stream of yellow excitment that she seems to enjoy letting out. great.
walk: she walks okay back to the cz (children's zoo, you idiot) and anna and nate inform me that, yes, the show will be happening instead of just the meet and greets. go into flurry of getting animals assigned to certain people so that all the animals arrive at the show. rush off, grab eddie. he's excited to. no, this time it's outside and of a harder substance. YOU MAKE MY JOB THAT MUCH HARDER, DOG!!! i didn't really scream it but i sure said it.
11:15: is that the announcement? yes it is "hello and welcome to the toledo zoo. the mijer paws for learning training show will begin in fifteen minutes in the ampitheater. " ok, so where am i? i'm walking eddie out the big gates next to the cz (children's zoo, you idiot). now i'm in a hurry. i'm supposed to be unlocking the doors RIGHT NOW.
fast walk: over to the wallabies, into the "employees only" gates (don't take the time to look over my shoulder and laugh at the silly visitors who can't enter here!) and into the parking lot. RUN accross parking lot. thank god, there's brad wondering where i am and ready to take eddie. he offers first to take the keys but no one (except allyson) is as fast at unlocking doors as me. he gets eddie. RUN RUN RUN to the little tarp and drop off treat bags on table. bolt off up the ramp towards the doors. get all the doors unlocked in a frizzle of time. look at watch:
WHAT NOW!!! time champion!!!!! stroller watch arrives and i'm back down for the show. dance to the awesome/annoying/stupid/heardtwiceadayeverydayfivedaysaweek music but enjoy it more than a lot of things.
"spotty dog, spotty dog, where have ya been?
i been to luuundon to look at the queen!
can ya tell a spotty story? yes i can!
i saw a dog who was watching a man (whoo!)"
best part. always have to dance or sing to it.
dog show: goes well. jillian does a very good job but keeps me on my feet. eddie beats the kid at agility (though he didn't do well) and lena does her part well (wow, this is getting really long! better cut it short...)
rest of the day=good and fun. at the second dog show, everything was on time and eddie got more riled up and did better. lunch was good...and i got to do some more manual labor!! walked down circe (to and from). to, she did not do very well. had to really try to get her to walk for me. only trotted twice so i couldn't really dish out the treats to motivate her. but on the way back, strangely enough, she walked really well! and i didn't even have any treats!
agility course=all taken down so "music under the stars" can take place. dreading tomorrow's set up!!!
allyson!!!!! i hate your days off!!!!!
and it's only the end of my tuesday....
5 out


Blogger tay said...

wow you've had a long day

Sunday, July 24, 2005 10:23:00 PM  
Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

I've never actually seen the dog show. Have I heard it? to many times to count. Aquarium duty is lame and boring....plenty of time for talking and listening to perky girl (mostly) taking questions and teaching squirmy kids about dog care. Also plenty of time to listen to snazy but never changing dog show soundtrack. New people always wonder when 'who let the dog out? who, who, who, who' will come on. Don't worry, I tell them, it's coming. And come on...who thought up 'PAWS for learning', anyway? Some mejer executive freak??? gosh.

nice day, lol.

la chica bonita

Monday, July 25, 2005 7:51:00 PM  
Blogger Dryad said...

WOW! last time i read this it had 0 comments.... lol

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:31:00 AM  
Blogger Dryad said...

tal wena dela
rahwing wena dela
ai dela
(ai= unknown, strange, new, whatever)
(dela= girl)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:32:00 AM  
Blogger Ruthie said...

wow, you must have had a tiring day... I guess I'm lucky I won't have a job for another 4 years

Sunday, July 31, 2005 5:43:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

i didn't really get most of that... i feel slightly stoned right now.... perhaps that's because i am stoned.... no i don't think so... i'm pretty sure i know what i was doing this evening...

your days sound about as exciting as mine!! at least while i'm at fair...

juene fille de chevals

Monday, August 01, 2005 12:42:00 AM  
Blogger Dryad said...


Talwena the lost elf

Monday, August 01, 2005 8:18:00 PM  
Blogger Dryad said...

dont worry{or if you want me to, dont cheer or laugh or whatever you do to celebrate} im not going to kill myself...


Monday, August 01, 2005 8:18:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...


jk =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:56:00 PM  
Blogger Dryad said...


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:35:00 PM  

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