Thursday, September 15

In the Shadow of the famous "Leaopard's Shadow"

Tori clenched her fists again. She glanced at the clock:

If they didn't go to sleep soon, she would be too late.
"Jesus! Tom is gonna kill me if I don't get this job finished tonight! How late are they planning on staying up!" she thought into her pillow. Voices drifted from downstairs.
"Oh great. Now their fighting," she thought again, rolling her eyes.
She fealt uncomfortable, lying on the bed in complete darkness fully dressed. The slick, smooth body suit under her "Hell, Look Out" T-shirt and jeans was very flexible and good for excess movement but not what you'd call "sleepwear". And neither did she intend to sleep. She had a schedule tonight, if only her parents would go to bed and leave her to it.
With the slam of a door, she surmised that her mother must have left the house again.
"Shit! Dad is going to be so angry and will be pacing all night! Damn it! I have to finish this thing or I'm in deep. Better just risk it..." she thought as she slid off the bed and silently gripped her backpack.
Unlatching the window, she formed her pillows underneath her covers to appear as if she was sleeping. When she pulled open the window, a gust of autumn air came rushing at her. She smoothed back her long, black hair into a tight and secure ponytail. She would not have time in the future to deal with loose strands and she needed it out of her way.
Carefully, she edged out the window to the ledge and slid the window mostly shut leaving just enough open that she could get back in.
"Don't you dare look down!" She thought as she took a quick glance that way.
She was on the third floor of the house and would not be able to jump. The ground loomed closer and further as though it were going in and out of vision for her. She closed her eyes and shook her head. She would not concentrate on falling. Like many times before, she leaned over the ledge, steadying herself, and grasped the edge of the tree branch. It held, as usual. From there, it was easy. She was very flexible, strong, and nimble. Soon, she was smoothly falling to the ground where she landed silently. She looked around briefly and then took off on a quick run headed east.
"If Juan left without me then it's his own damn fault that I don't finish this thing," she muttered moodily.
The city streets were full of roudy people. However, she was seen by no one. She had a way with slipping around so that she melted into her surroundings. Years of training had giving her this as well as a wide range of abilities that she used for her job. She smiled.
"What would they say if my parents found out about the second life of their sixteen year old daughter!"
Soon she had reached the bay and she sighed with relief as she saw the little boat still docked.
"Where haff you bin? I bin waitin since 'leven a clock!" Juan hissed as she came running down the boarding dock to the craft.
"Just shut up and do what you're best at, old man,"she said smiling.
For a minute he held a stern look on his face. But then, a similar smile spread across his face.
"Get in da boat, you lil rascal," he said, adressing her with his favorite term of endearment. Tori had known Juan since she had first started her job. Training is extremely hard, especially for girls, and Juan had always been nice to her, helping her where he could. He had been in the business for a long time and now in his older years, he took much smaller roles in the jobs.
Tori hopped in.
"Righ' ofer der you'll find orders frum Tom. 'E's got sum new angles tha' he wants you to persue. 'Righ' up your alley,' I says to 'im, 'anythin that's tougher than tough is for Tori!'" Said Juan, grinning and pointing to a table with a fat envelope.
"Great! What have you got me into NOW?" Tori sighed. Juan was always pushing her to do better. She knew it was somewhere inside of her, she just didn't know how to get it out.
She sat down on the small cushioned sofa in the back of the boat and picked up the envelope as the engines roared. After a second or so, her jaw fell open.
" did you...?" She was completely lost for words.
"Do you like it, lil rascal? Is dis good tings?" He said, grinning ear to ear.
"Juan...Jesus, Juan! How the hell did you get him to agree?" She said, her hands trembling with excitement.
"Now dat depends on you tonigh'. What you gotta do is dis. You gotta do de job real good. Stealthy like. 'E be watchin. If 'e likes what 'e sees, you to train wi' him. You got dis?" Juan said on a more serious note.
"Yes. How the hell will he be watching though?" She asked.
"De Leopard's Shadow? 'E be always watchin, girl."


Blogger Dryad said...

ooh, that 'training' thing reminds me of something i was writing a long time ago... that is a really cool story- where is the rest....?

Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:41:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

this is awesome!!! i love it!!! i also love her long black hair!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:49:00 PM  
Blogger tay said...



Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

oh, don't leave me hanging!!!!!!!!!!!!! (AND DO NOT turn that into somtething sexual, either, you perv!)

Friday, September 16, 2005 3:48:00 PM  
Blogger Dryad said... bed

lol, oh no... i'm turning into a sick-o....

Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:55:00 PM  
Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

i never thought i'd hear kiki say something like that!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

i really like the story!!! i'm going to read the next part right now!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005 12:58:00 PM  

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