Friday, September 16

In the Shadow of the famous "Leaopard's Shadow"-part two

Tori let out an amazed breath.
"Oh my fucking god, juan! I don't know how you did this but I can't believe it! Do you know what this could do for me? For my future career?? Of course you do! I mean, how? There are so few who have ever been trained by him! Like, two people. And I get to be the third? Juan!" She slapped him heartily on the back.
"dis, girl, it what you deserv. You worka to hard not toa git sompthin likea dis, " Juan smiled back.
She sat down and looked at the piece of paper again. She read it through four times before she sighed and smiled again.
"I still can't believe this. Juan, you're the best," She said, after a while.
He smiled in a knowing way as he turned the boat.
"We almosa be dere. You ready, rascal?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass!" She said, standing.
She pulled of her outer clothes to expose her body suit. She stuffed the t shirt and pants into her backpack and withdrew a face mask and a smaller backpack of equipment. She shoved the bigger pack into the spare compartment on the boat and slipped the mask over her face. She reached down to make sure her shoes were on tightly, the laces secure and then pulled the pack onto her back.
"Easy breasy," she thought.
This, by far, was not the hardest job she was to perform.
She fealt the pack's weight on her back and shouldered it out. Then she came next to Juan and sat down on the edge of the passenger seat.
"Juan, I wanted to-" She began, but he cut her off.
"Hold on, girl!" He said as he swerved drastically to the right. She hadn't seen the reason till she looked over her shoulder to see a boat that had come out of no where. It was starting to accelerate behind them.
"What the hell?" she yelled over the loud sound of the engine. She looked over at Juan to see his face anxious.
"Not now. Whad do dey tink dey are doing?" She heard him mutter.
She looked back again. She couldn't see them clearly and began to take her face mask off.
"No!" Juan said, catching her off guard so that she jumped in her seat a little, "Leave your mask on! We don know what dey want, ok?"
Tori nodded, surprised by the edge on Juan's voice. He was usually a very calm man and this sudden outburst had been unlike him. But her train of thought was jarred as he made a quick turn to the left. He looked back quickly to see that the boat behind them had done the same.
"Damn! Dey are followeeng us!" He said, his gaze concentrating on the water ahead of him.
"Who are they?" She asked, but Juan did not answer.
"Juan! Juan, who are they?" She asked, louder.
"Don aska questions now!" He yelled back.
Stubbornly, she looked ahead and crossed her arms.
The rode the waves for a little while longer until she could no longer bite her tongue.
"Juan, are we still on course? Are we gonna make it there?" She said.
He was silent for a few minutes.
"Now listen closely, Tori, okay?" he said. It was odd for him to address her with her name and immidiately, she knew that he was being serious.
"Okay," she said quietly, sensing something bad was about to happen.
"Here's what we gonna do. See dat bend in de wader up dere? I'ma gonna turn and you gonna hop out into de water and swim under dere until you get to de dock, okay? You not gonna come up till you under de dock, okay? I don want them to know that you was here, okay?" he said, looking straight forward.
"What do you mean? Who are they?" She asked.
"Do you understand the plan?" He yelled at her.
Shocked, she didn't answer for a moment.
"Yes, " she said.
"And no matter wha' you see and hear, you are not to come out froma under dat dock, you understand? Don never come out no matter what, okay?" He said, his tone softer.
"Juan-" She began.
"Promise me, okay?" He said, cutting her off, "Promise."
"Okay, I promise," She said, reluctantly.
"Lil rascal, if anting happen..." he began, his normal, calm voice returning, "Jus know, lil one, you da best I ever worked with and you gonna do great tings."
Tori was suddenly frantic.
"What did he mean by 'if anything happens'?" She thought.
She stared at him.
"Juan, wait, Juan-"
But it was too late. They had made the turn, temporarily our of sight by the other boat.
"Go! Get out!" Juan said, shoving at her as the boat slowly came to a stop. She didn't hesitate and took a big gulp of air before diving into the icy cold water.
Before jumping, she had caught a glimpse of the dock. It was a decent way away and immidiately, she began stretching out her arms and slapping against the surging water around her. She had done this a million times back in training. She remembered the little races that she and the boys had had, unbenounced to the trainers. Short, quick glances between she and a boy to her right and they both knew that it was a race. She would feel the competition surge as the instructor would yell, "Go!" and feel herself slip soundlessly into the water, as they had been taught. Only once had she risen from the water after anyone, and that was when the boy had cheated and taken a push of the wall behind them, as they had been told not to do.
Once again, she fealt the same urges as if she were back in the training water room, faces of determination on the boys around her while her face light with the confidence that she deserved. She pretended that she was back there. Pretended that there were many other swimmers around her. Pretended that it was just training, not the real thing.
Soon, her arm brushed a piece of wood and she fealt the sand rise to her chest. She silently broke the surface and took deep controlled breaths so that she would make no sound. After a second of regaining her breath, she started to move to where the water met the sand and the dock when she heard raised voices from behind.
She quickly turned and searched the waters till she caught a glimpse of Juan's boat, the trailing boat right next to it. She pulled off her mask to see Juan, standing on his boat, his arms in the air. There were two, no three men in the other boat. On was brandishing something that Tori knew must be a gun. Quickly, she moved her hand to a side pocket on her backpack and unzipped a pair of binoculars. She put them up to her eyes and waited for them to focus.
Soon, she could see Juan clearly, his jaw seemed unhinged as he let out a trail of spanish words. Tori moved the lenses to focus on the other men. They were all very dark skinned and Tori assumed that they must be Mexican like Juan. The man with the gun was very tall with dark hair whil the other two were much shorter with lighter brown hair. Juan stopped speaking as the man with the gun motioned for Juan to get into their boat. Tori watched, nervously. She had no idea where they were and she would have to swim back out to the boat and follow them to see if she could help Juan.
But then, she heard two shots fire and looked to see Juan fall limply into the back of their boat. The three men laughed, gunned the engine and went zooming off across the placid water.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" she thought as she lowered the binoculars.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice blog site!! Lots of info, bookmarked it.

I have a child health site/blog.
It pretty much covers child health related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time.

Friday, September 16, 2005 6:20:00 PM  
Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

omg omg omg! poor juan, i liked him a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:28:00 AM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

nooooo!!!!!! cruel, cruel misery!! how could you??? i like the story a lot though.... write more??

Friday, September 23, 2005 4:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who said he died?

Saturday, September 24, 2005 4:21:00 PM  
Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

hmmmmmm.....i guess he didn't then huh???

Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:11:00 PM  

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