Wednesday, September 28

reckless little me...whose he?

reckless little me.
turn my glasses into my needle.
send me where I want to go.
can't you know?
where I want to go?
reckless little me?
some words,
all the same.
spell my name.
picture it.
say cheese
it's the end
of someone
else's hard-earned
but only the beggining
of our wasted day.
so fly
it's there to see
and when the reckless try
to be me?
reckless little me
don't sink
your teeth aren't
strong for your height
it's not something
style lives on
but fasion dies at the front door.
try repeating this phrase.
"don't push me around"
but say it faster than
your normal snail
and don't emphasize
your life on the
or even the
it's 'around'
that so many people
get caught up in
and if you say
one more time,
you'll find your hymm
now sings in a different key.
how can it be sattisfyed
when praise is turned to
self-endorced regurgitation.
Actions are
So don't
Ever leave for a
You can't
Unless you
Drive in front
Of a semi-annual
Nusance and if
This indeed is goal, don't
Ever under-estimate a true
Vixen's powers for
Everyone hides in their
New shames!
Knifes are smarter than the
Next ruler
Or perhaps
Whatever you choose to the world in it's
Hell on the
Impudent earth.
Mindless dummies could not
Overpower him so
Read up on your stupid
History because
It's your neck on the
Slippery line, my friend.
But beware
Even supporters
Love a bad ending and
If there has
Ever been one, it's now
For pete's


Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

wow! I really like this....I don't really have any else special to say....I like it.

I can never think of anything really good to say....*sigh*....

Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:23:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

that was good! i'm not sure i really understood it... except maybe the end which was possibly about a war, possibly about this war....

Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:24:00 PM  

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