Monday, October 3

Stupid Tony! Stop Saying Her Name and Marry Her, Dood!!!

"Say it once, and there's music playing
Say it twice, and it's almost like praying
I'll never stop saying Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

I can't get this stupid song out of my mind since we played it in orchestra.
I mean, playing "West Side Story" is fun and all because it's pretty easy since
I've heard it about a million times before but still, it's going through my
freaking head!

I can't wait till my taekwon-do class tomorrow!!! It seems like it's been forever since my last class on Thursday evening! This weekend has sucked so bad (Except for my freakin awesome overnight and zoo EDventure with Mia!!!). Friday before the game=terrible. After Mia was gone on Saturday=terrible!!!!!!! Sunday=close to hell!!!! Finally, Monday rolls in and I have to do this driving lesson with this instructor. It was my first time EVER driving an automatic and it wasn't as much fun as driving manual. SERIOUSLY! My left foot was so bored! It kept looking up at me in this dejected sort of way and saying, "Isn't there anything I can do other than just sit here?" and I had to tell the poor thing, "No, I'm sorry, that's just the way it goes in an automatic."

But I think I did really well and I picked up the transmition pretty quickly. The instructor wasn't too bad either. I swear, though, he was Jean Hackman's twin brother!! He sounded like him too! It was freaky!!!! I have another lesson on friday. Wish me luck! Now, I have to go count down the minutes until I can go to my beloved class!! See ya!



Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

you have taekwando on Thursday??? do you have it on Tuesday too??? 'cause i have Aikido on Tuesday and Thursday and it would be really freaky-cool if we both had martial arts on the same days!!!! and i'm sounding like one of those annoying twelve year old girls in movies that talks too much and you want to strangle.... lol, sorry.

i guess i'm gonna go back to writing my post which you are probably going to lecture me about... lol, but i won't mind... being lectured is probably my greates talent... lol, jk

that is sooooo cool that you are playing West Side Story in orchestra! that is such a good movie and i love the music. it has a very depressing ending though... i'm just glad that Marie didn't kill herself too...

*the innocent can never last*

Rochwen Eldariel

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:28:00 PM  
Blogger Polenta said...

Well, actually, I have taekwon-do on tues., wed., and thur. because they have classes sun-thur (sun, however, is only for black belts) and you are allowed to pick the amount of days and when they are. I, obviously, chose the most I could get because I'm freakin obbsessed with the art!


Tuesday, October 04, 2005 11:01:00 PM  
Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

yeah, last weekend was fun..sry to hear about the parts i wasn;t in, tho, lol~~!

Saturday, October 08, 2005 5:42:00 PM  
Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

do you guys all do martial arts? i used to take karate. it was so boring to me.

Friday, October 14, 2005 8:49:00 PM  

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