Thursday, November 17

Somethrong!! (I couldn't think of a better title...)

Ohhh, it's cold!!!

Hey, guess what? I passed my test!! I'm a green striped yellow belt now!!(observe the change of name in profile)!!! woo-hoo!

So, I'm looking forward to seeing y'all this Friday! I miss our group hanging out. We used to have so much fun!! So, I'm thinking it's time for another movie marathon!!! We haven't done Romance yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, leave me some of your favorite romance movies and possible dates (not just days but for real dates) that you might be able to come. If this time of year is not good for you guys, lemme know and we'll postpone!!

missin you all



Anonymous Anonymous said...

come today to see GoF at the something something maumee something at 5 something...

Friday, November 18, 2005 2:19:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

yay!!! more staying up all night!!! more no sleep!! more cute movies!!!

I say we watch:
The Notebook (it would be a crime not to)

Harold and Maud (it's just awesome and random.

Benny and Joon (lol)

Say Anything (lol again)

Romeo and Juliet (the good old one with the actual shakespearian words and the hot guy)

and since i have no calander with me at present i can't really give you specific dates, but really any Saturday night should work for me. I could probably talk my parents into a Friday night too.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:54:00 AM  

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