Thursday, December 1


If any of you were wondering...

Cesario/Viola: A shipwrecked lass from "Twelve Night or As You Like it". She loses her twin brother in the waters and believes him to be dead. She goes into town dressed as a man (her name then is Cesario) to look for a job so that she doesn't starve. She comes to the house of Duke Orsino. The Duke is in love with a nearby lovely maiden named Olivia. But Olivia is vain and refuses the Duke's love. Orsino hires Viola/Vesario to go and woo Olivia for him. But in the course of this, Olivia falls in love with Viola/Cesario!!! It is a comedy that tangles up love and then twists it out beautifully. I see many similarities between the well-written character of Viola/Cesario and you, Rochwen.
Jessica: Jessica is a rebel from "The Merchant of Venice". She is the daughter of a wealthy jew but is in love with the Christian Lorenzo and he with her. They know her father would never approve of their love so she runs off with Lorenzo!! Tators, I thought of you just because she does this running off at like, 5:30 in the morning and that's when you get!
Anne Page: The daughter of Mistress Margaret Page and Master George Page from "The Merry Wives of Windsor". Don't know too much about the play but it's a comedy and for some reason, I picked it for you, Kam! Don't know why, lol!
Caliban: a deformed monster from "The Tempest". He is a slave to Prospero and does his deeds for him. He causes lots of trouble so I kinda thought of you, Sauron's Kid....
Isabella: A tormented nun from "Measure for Measure". I guess I was a little out of ideas for you, kiki. Isabella has to decide whether to give up her virginity to the stand-in Duke, Angelo or let her brother, Claudio, die! It's just a big mix-up so I probably thought about you because things seem to be rather hectic and mixed up for you right
Beatrice: An orphan from "Much Ado About Nothing". She is witty and very comical but she has trials in her life. I thought of you for this one, Beinohtar.
The Trojans: Just a group of people fighting in a daunting battle from "Troilus and Cresida". Obviously, we as a group are fighting issues (if we're still gonna try to do this thing...) and so I thought of these guys.
Ariel: A spirit from "The Tempest". He is also a servant to Prospero but is a beautiful being who uses his abilities for the good that Prospero desires. You guys definitely fit this.
Hermia: She's not on my list because I can't link up to you but this is so you, carrits. Hermia is a besought lover from "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream". She goes into the enchanted forest with her lover Lysander to escape the man her father wished her to marry, Demitrius. But Helena, Hermia's friend who loves Demitrius, tells him that the two are escaping. So they all end up going in and mischievous things explode throught he forest. It's an awesome play.
Rosalind: K, she's not on there either but it's gray bean, yo. Rosalind is a cross-dresser from "As You Like It". Obviously for you, gray bean. Do I need to say more??? lol.

So, I hope you all like the new stuff and tell me if you want your links changed, or something.


Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

did you say that viola (who is female?) falls in love with Olivia?? or am i just confused? lol, not that it matters... i mean... if so... it would so totally be me...

he he he

Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:22:00 PM  
Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

ohhh... i get it... olive falls in love with Viola!! he he he, i'm gonna have to read this.

Friday, December 02, 2005 6:00:00 PM  

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