Sunday, November 20

less sleep, more talk

Well, that was awesome!!!

It was so much fun having you guys come over and I'm so glad that I got to see you all!!! (again, missed tay...)!!
But yeah, I was so sleepy the next day!!! I went to go see Harry Potter 4 (OMG, I'M OBSESSED WITH DANIEL RADCLIFFE!!! EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE THIS!!!! LOL). It was good, as you can probably tell, lol!! But then I had to go early to my practice. I got there at six thrity and was there till ten. It wasn't so good for the obsessive sleeper in me!!! But we still had some fun. Shawn and I were completely sight-reading this peice that we'd told Maya that we'd practice so we were trying to look like we knew what we were doing!! Maya would stop us all and be like, "I think that you guys are getting the rythym wrong here," I'd be like, "Good job, Shawn!!! Gosh!! Kids these days!!" so I was trying to lighten my mood and keep myself awake (of course I wasn't being serious about blaming Shawn. We were all laughing and joking around. Actually, John did this really funny impression of Anna running home from college to play cello with us that made Shawn and me laugh REALLY hard!!).

But then I got home and, well, that's a whole other discussion that is NOT going to be posted on the internet.


p.s. (I like snogging)