Friday, May 6


hmmm...vegetarianism...hmm. well for one, that's a big word. but it's also a really big theory. i'm havin a problem...yeah, a real problem. i don't know exactly what to do. lemme explain to y'all.

if you read my profile, you'll see that i'm an extreme environmentalist and i really love animals. i've been thinking a lot about being a vegetarian. i mean, since i really love animals, why would i eat them? it just doesn't make sense! but since i've had meats...i realize that i like the taste of them. i'm ashamed to say that sometimes, the prospect of a big whopper from BK is above my firm stand against eating a cow.(whimper) this is not the person i wanna be! i mean, even today, the first day off my stupid de-toxing thingy, i had meat! i admit, i will miss meat if i give it up. but i do think it's the right thing to do! i wonder if i could actually do it? become a vegetarian, i mean.


i think it's worth a try, at least. and if i balanced my meals well enuf, i would probably be eating much healthier! and that's good...right?

well, i think so. i'm really think i'm gonna do it!! i really think i will! the way i could avoid meats is, whenever i got tempted, i could just see in my mind the face of the animal that i am prospectively eating. THAT WOULD STOP ME!!!definitely!!!! i mean, how can someone actually eat, like, a burger when they see the face of a loveable cow? i can just hear him, "moo! you stupid idiot! gimme my meat back! that's not yours! hey, my race has been here just as long as YOU STUPID DUMB-ASS HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!! plus, as everyone know, you're not even the smartest race on earth! Mice are! and you aren't even second! dolphins come in second, you dumb homo sapiens!"

awe! how cute! the cow is speaking!!!


DISSAPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!! i just saw THE HITCHHIKER'S GALAXY and lemme tell you, i am way dissapointed!!!!!!! ,,("),, disney totaly twisted the story and made a stupid love story. i was really mad. i'm having a really interesting conversation with my best frined so i gotta go....! bye!!!

Thursday, May 5


ok, who said that food was mandatory? whoever said that you needed food to survive?? WELL THEY WERE DAMN RIGHT!!!!! i need food. it's thursday...i haven't eaten...since sunday...not good, right? RIGHT!! this terrible concoxtion mentioned in blurg is tasting really bad now (sniff-food, i miss your sweet taste!). i have to drink so much of it and there are little pieces of, get this, lemon rind in it!!EEEEWWWW!!!!! i mean, at least it's something to chew on but still...i really don't wanna drink it anymore. but if i don't, then what will tide me over till tommorrow?? we have decided to stop on friday and have some raw foods. i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm, i have to find my sister's blog and i don't have her e-mail anymore, don't know why...i didn't do it...not me...not i...
i'll go look now. she likes computers so i'll look under that....NNEEEDDD

Under Construction

Ok, I SO do not have enough time to start this because adult swim is almost on ( i love u guys!!!) and I am NOT going to miss the end of family guy like i did last night. but i'll give some facts. i love to write so, hopefully, i'll get this baby up and running soon. online journals/blogs do come in second place to real journal and other books that i adore reading (go hitchhiker's guide! you have to read it to understand the complete awesomeness that douglass adams can create). haven't seen the's driving me crazy...that i haven't seen it, you know. i wanna know that i'm not just writing to thin air, lemme know that you awesome readers exhist, k? ok seriously, adult swim MUST be starting and futurama is pretty funny (not as good as family guy tho!!) i swear there'll be more later, you lost internet goonies, you! night


family guy is over :-( ah well, i guess nothing is forever*. it was pretty funny. futurama was pretty good too but i came in half way thru it so i missed some. bender was trying to be a girl was pretty interesting. FOOD!!!!! i miss food:-( ok, it's early thursday and i haven't actually eaten any food since sunday. i promise, stomach and food, i will never do this to you again!!! it's some wierd de-toxing thing that my sister suggested we do for, get this, fun. NOT FUN. food is fun, is fun. hopefully, i'll be done with it soon though. then, after i ease back into food (you have to eat stuff like raw veggies and fruits or you'll barf), i'ma gonna have myself a JUNK FOOD AWESOME PARTY!!!! i'll gather all my edible friends around me and i'll eat till i forget my name...wait...what is my name? HA...o...wait, that's bad. better call the doctor...AGAIN!! lol, jk.
i'm proud of myself though because i really trully haven't cheated and ate something. all i've had was this weird concoxtion that you're supposed to drink (water, lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenn pepper). oh yeah, and some peppermint tea....but that's SO allowed...i swear. you get these wierd crazy hunger pains and all you can think of is, "i want to eat lunch...why can't i have just one measly lunch!!" but if you stick with it, you get used to it and the hunger pains kind of go away...kind of....not realy, i'm, of course, sort of lying to try and make these stupid hunger pains go away!! but you get really weak sometimes and then your hands shake (sometimes) and you feel wierd. i'm always like, "o god! i'm dying!! SAIED!! SAVE MEEEE!!!" but of course i'm only over-dramatizing (my favorite sport, next to football that is). note to confused readers: i'm random so i use weird spelling and capitilization. plus, this blog is named, "oh thank heaven" because that's 7/11's (the conveniance store) motto. if you looked at my thingy it'll say that that is my birthday. so that is, therefore, my motto. well, i wanna go read or sleep. hopefully i won't think about food. please, whoever reads this (if anyone) EAT FOR ME!!!!! lol, just kidding! i'm really not that dependent on food! why else would i have this body!