Friday, May 13

wacky stage, movie nights, and funny nicknames!

i'm wacked...yep. totally hyper with no reason and completely insane from my need to perminately sleep. yep. someone really should be filming me 'cause i'm in one of my most random stages ever!! i'm just completely wacky and wierd! plus, someone should be here to share my stage. it's so much more fun when there is someone next to you laughing at the incredable stupid things that you are attempting (and usually failing) to do! i'm almost to that OUTRAGEOUSLY silly point that i get to when i stay up all night long. yah, peachy, carrot, gray bean, yellow ducky, copper, greenie, blue moon, (all nicknames for my group of close buddies that i made up for the hell of it) and i (froggie, that one greenie made up for me) spent the night watching stupid movies. now, only peachy, yellow ducky, and myself actually stayed up all through the night but still, most of them were in and out of sleep. peachy and i stayed up all night as well at the scary movie party. everyone else zonked out. but if yellow ducky'd been there, i'm sure she would have lasted it out. yah, me and my buddies...we know how to have a good time! upcoming plans for the comedy movie night are in the making. any suggestions? lemme know your favorite comedy movie! thnx y'all!!!

Thursday, May 12

Incubus with a slight history of profanity

ahh, incubus! you know i love you guys! i've been listening to them. their guitarist has some mad skills in my opinion. i posted the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by them. it doesn't really make total sense untill you really hear the song. just sort of clicks, you know? incubus...hmm. oh yeah, the lead singer (he's pretty hot) sticks his tongue out when he sings! isn't that weird but in a strange way cool? i mean, the dood must have some pretty sweet style to own a song like that! i can only hope that one day, i will be in a band half as sweet as incubus. or green day. green day is pretty cool too. but incubus...they're clean. and not just because of media reasons of lack of want for parental control signs on their cd's. they're clean (i think) because they just don't have to express themselves that way...which i think is cool. it bothers me when people think that they have to swear to be accepted by society. and maybe that's the way it is. but i really only use profanity when i'm angry. which it turns out, if you look back to the origin of swear words, is what they're truly for! and plus, since i only use them when i'm mad...people know when i'm mad. yeah...good times right there. well, i got some work to do so i'ma go now. bye.

wish you were here-Incubus

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like
A thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment
I am happy, happy
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were
I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles
A backlit canopy
With holes punched in it
I’m counting ufos
I signal them with
My lighter
And in this moment
I am happy, happy
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were
Wish you were here
I, oh
The world’s a rollercoaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
While my hands are
Busy in the air
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were here
I, wish you were
Wish you were here


there's basically nothing else to do today. ok, so there is a million other things that i could be doing but i just decided to do this because...well, i don't really know why. my last post still has me a little depressed. it shouldn't was just meant to be kind of ironic and funny...but i am just thinking. i've been looking at a lot of other people's blogs and i think that ALL OF THEM have either a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
yah, so life, i am sadly realizing, SUCKS! having a boyfriend isn't everything though, right? i mean, just plain living is great! right? watching movies, drawing, writing, talking, laughing, eating, sleeping, sitting in the rain, drinking cold water right out of the jar from the fridge.....that kind of stuff.
so why am i still depressed...?

Wednesday, May 11

Something Real

let's start out by saying that i'm homeschooled. i have been so all my life. i really love it! it gives me such flexibility and i get to control my education and point it in the direction that i need it to go. but the sad part is...interacting with guys my age who i'm not related to is like a twice a week, and sometimes three times a week, event. :-(. sadly, sometimes not even that. i have sworn not to really worry about or deal with guys until i am in college. that is why i turned down that really hot guy in the library who asked me out recently. but there is another reason for that too. i didn't know anything about him and even though he was REALLY HOT and i REALLY WANTED TO SAY, "YES! I WILL GIVE YOU MY NUMBER AND I WOULD LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU!" i didn't. i knew nothing about him. it would be perfect, absolutely perfect, for some guy to come up to me and just start to get to know me so that i could trust him and then accept when he asked me out. this is a low of being a homeschooler. i mean, it's not like i don't know what guys look like, though. i was a football (FAVORITE SPORT!!!) trainer last year and i got to tape up player's feet and assist them when injured. i also supplied their water and gatorade. and that was at a highschool. but that was only because i know the head trainer and the other trainer and they needed more people. two trainers is not really enough. three is still a little less than good! but it lasted for the whole football season and i spent time with them at least three to four times a week. now that was fun!
but, a lot my other friends have serious relationships going or are at least starting some. now, why can't i have a few dates? i wish some really hot guy would move in next to me...and his room's window would line up to mine...and we could lean out and talk to each other every night. and then one night he'd be like, "you know, we should go out sometime!" then i would totally accept because i would know him really well and plus...he'd be really hot. not that i'm shallow or anything. no, not me. but you get the picture. and i don't want any stupid relationships over that game runescape cause ten to one, all the guys on there are really, trully, lying about their age. i bet they're all like, 12 but just say that they're 17 to get chicks to be their girlfriends over the game. but i don't wanna date someone who's almost four years younger! i don't even really wanna date a guy who is one year younger. and you can hardly call it dating because it's over some game. real is real. real is nice. real is better than the internet. i just (sigh) want something real.
a hand to hold
eyes to fall into
lips to kiss
a shoulder to lean on
an ear to listen
a mutual attraction
that would lead to
interesting phone calls
and long entries in my journal
about a spark that wasn't there before


just wanted to post a quick note to say that the TIE link is to my environmentalist's group's blog. You should go check it out. But we did just start it so it's not too updated...but it looks cool...and green...and we have our stupid "we were hyper/really weird/as close as we'll ever be to drunk/or stoned and stuff" pledge. yeah, we all agree that it's strange and openening meetings with it...lets just say that we are always laughing too hard to really say the whole thing...just f.y.i.!

that's all folks...for now.

p.s. family guy was really funny! futurama rocked!! i gotta go sleep )-0

Tuesday, May 10

links are up and running

i just finished watching a new cartoon on Homestar Runner. it was really great! i love that site and now, thanks to my sis Mags, you can too! she helped me get my links up and running. so go check it out. also, i highly recomend going to rune scape. It's, like, THE BEST GAME EVER!! but i will warn you right here and now. it's addicting. but still, it's worth it. plus, i'd also recomend that you go check out rochwen's blog. she is my best friend in real life and she's just started one. it's pretty cool. the other site is to sauron's kid's site. this person has commented on my blog severall times and their site is pretty cool. all y'alls should check it out! well, i'm gonna go read other people's sites now so...bye!