Thursday, August 11

mia and grace...the wild zoo EDventure!

well, it gets sometimes a little boring doing tables...mia and i got crazy. mia is in the bold and i'm in yeah...have fun but you probably won't really understand most of it because we kept jumping aroung a lot. but hey, it was still fun!!
(apposable thumb circle, mia!!!lol!!! the froggy!!!)
Explorer's NAME:_Mia HURR!!_____+GRACE_DURR!!_____
DATE of EDventure:___DAN OVERMIEJER!(this was scribbled out because origianally, my name wasn't on here and dan o. is not mia's, shall we say, dream date of EDventure!lol)______
(picture of an eye)
(you get it! picture of an eye ROCK! like, as in, I ROCK!!)
-haha, ur so funny...
-yeppers. i'm feeling un-creative...
-yeppers...I love it!
-guess who i got that from?
-NO! Brandon
-You get wet a lot in this program.
-wow. how did i just turn that into something dirty?
-Easily! Tak what we're doing. Measuring people with tongues.
-yeah, i thought
-I'm really bored. Africa is boring.
-I can't bellieve ur actually right. U do get wet a lot in this program
-watch out for sunoco!! oh NO! here comes the sun, little darlin. I'm leaving you...
-Go get misted, baby! oh yay, the beatles ROCK MY SOCKS!
-I meant the zooteens program dork! Just kidding! (about the dork thing, girly)
-what? i meant zooteens to! we're totally twinkies!
-No! My filling is not a cream filled pastry!
-who says?
-that girl who thinks i'm slow... mean me? NOT!JK!
-I don't know how good of a friend i have in you...LOL, JK!
-gosh! you gave that poor little girl 1/2 a stamp!
-I didn't want to press too hard on her hand!
-pathetic...i now, i'm mean
-yes, yes you are! Very mean!
-sorry dearie
-That's okay! hey, if friends were noses, i'd pick you!!LOL!!
-i want food.
-no, let's not go there from where we just were...
-oh, haha i totally needed that explained to me...
-what if people didn't have teeth...
-why is 'milk' called 'milk'?
-i ask the questions here!
-hmph???????????? i think our accents are horrible! lol
-okay, is 15:06 p.m.! Where is our relief! Maybe they aren't coming! what if we get stuck here for the rest of our lives! we'll have to sleep below the table and-oh. here comes our relief...

Monday, August 8

nope, doesn't matter...


does it matter what i say?

when i'll deny it anyway.

does it matter what i do?

when all i do is think of you.

does it matter how i feal?

when my love you have for me is not real.

why do i create you time and time again in my dreams?

these made up you's are dream men without themes.

how can you be so blind to my affection?

why do i make you out to such perfecction?

you're not who i want you to be; not my dream man

but i fell in love with you and you got the upper hand

and not only did i fall for you

but not the "you" i wished for, too...

i hate loving you

those within

he looked at me
dream on, little frog, dream on
he smiled at me
dream on, little frog, dream on
i saw something deep in his eyes
dream on, little frog, dream on
we made a connection
dream on, little frog, dream on
we've so much in common
dream on, little frog, dream on
i've known him for so long!
dream on, little frog, dream on
and liked him all the while
dream on, little frog, dream on
maybe even loved him...
dream on, little frog, dream on
and i don't know why
dream on, little frog, dream on
because sometimes we are alike...
dream on, little frog, dream on
and sometimes, completely different
dream on, little frog, dream on
do you think he likes me?
dream on, foolish, stupid frog, dream on...

this is how we (a sadly, great majority of teen girls) are living...if you call it living...

"gawd, life is just, like, so mean to let just one nail break instead of leveling them all out!!! gawd!!! what am i, like, gonna do when that hot jock *jeremy* sees me!!! he's, like, my dream boyfriend!!!! hot, a football star, smokes, does drugs, has sex with only a selective amount of girls...he's "it" if he would only just ask me out!!! OMG, i mean, OfrickenMfrickenG!!! i'm on the cheerleading squad!!! i only weigh fifteen pounds!!! i became anorexic so that he might notice me but since i'm so small, now, he often doesn't see me standing behind a post!!! oh, but he's sooooo hot!!! gawd!!! today, i'm getting a bikini wax, my hair done, my nails (sigh) CLIPPED and evened and then redone, and go on a shopping spree to see if any kid's store sells hot clothes my size. i can no longer shop at all the teen hot spots because they don't offer clothes in a size negative twenty. yeah, i guess i will have to skip all my classes today at school but i don't really want to be educated...all i want is for *jeremy* to marry me! he can support me and i'll stay home and clean the house, cook, and take care of the kids!! i want to have seven! oh, what a dream come true!!! what a good little home-maker i'd become!!! oh, no...dream coming to an end. gawd, i think i'll go throw up. i ate an m&m about three hours ago for breakfast and it isn't settling at all!"

can we please get real. i'm so sick of this! there are stupid brainless people like this actually living in this world. maybe i'd be happy if a big comet just randomly hit us and we all died. then we could have the apes begin us again and maybe this time, we'd evolve into something way better than stupid, hipocritical, brainless, airy people who only care about outward appearance and changing themselves to fit in with the others.


Sunday, August 7

a random fit of glory

a random fit of glory
who are you?

i don't know

who am i?

i don't know


possibly because i cannot understand you too well...

maybe...i think it's because you cannot break through into the world of the oddities that i conceal.

i'll have to try.

please...look no further than the surface...


we are alike in some ways

tis true

you truly don't know me...or anything about me...

tis also true. i know only of you


this is true with me as do not know me...

only of you...


i don't really think anyone knows who i am...

that is the same here...

do you think it is because we don't tell them? or is it because they make their own assumptions?

probably that they make their own assumptions...

wouldn't it be a gift, and yet a curse, to see what others truly thought of you...

yes. truly.

i must go now. i will talk with you again later.



what did you mean by others...

i do not understand...

"wouldn't it be a gift, and yet a curse, to see what others truly thought of you..."

....uh.......i really have to go...goodbye

pull, pull, pull, thinks the mule
pull, pull, pull, thinks the work horse
pull, pull, pull, thinks the tired sun
break, break, break, thinks my heart
tear, tear, tear, thinks the paper
tear, tear, tear, thinks the water
tear, tear, tear, thinks the bread
break, break, break, thinks my heart
tight, tight, tight, thinks the rope
tight, tight, tight, thinks the shoe
tight, tight, tight, thinks the air
break, break, break, thinks my heart