Friday, July 15



so save me, why don't you?

save me my strength
so i can give it to the earth
save me my mystery
so i can reveal it to waiting eyes
save me my habits
so i can break them of my own accord
save me my love
so i can break my heart
save me the pain
so i can hurt myself
save my the words
so i can tell them to you
save me the misery
so i can cause it
save me my happyness
so i can create it
save me the drama
so i can react
save me my friends
so i can make more
save me my space
so i can leave it
save me the waiting
so i can hold back my excitment
save me my shrine
so i can lock myself in my personal prison
save me my privacy
so i can exploit myself
save me this piece of life
so i can destroy it
save me my life
so i can live it

.....*....."dreams of untold strangeness".....*.....

"so, what did they say?" he asked.
"they said happy monday..." she replied.
"they should know better. mondays are terrible," he retorted, "can you pass me that salt grain?"
"(sigh) regulation 22. pass salt grain. location. down two twenty," he said.
"yes, master," she replied, passing the salt grain.
"it just seems so wrong. she's so mechanical...and it's all my fault. maybe i never should've"
he thought.
"sir?" she asked.
"please, you know better. call me MURPHY" he retorted.
"no programming assistance" she replied, automatically.
he sighed again.
"yes?" he said, sadly.
"situation report, sire," she said, looking at the wet ceiling.
"no thank you. please, just relax for a second," he replied.
"relax? no such word in programming, master." she said.
"ok, okay, sorry. please go outside and collect diseases," he sighed.
her smile formed. it was so real looking. he fell into it, even if it did not exhist. her eyes-they even twinkled. they allowed the light of her soul in and warmed her whole face. her red cheeks lit up and-wait.
"she isn't real. none of her. this isn't real. she has no soul. no smile. no twinkle to her eyes. no light. no red. no warmth to her face. no and? wait, that doesn't make sense...oh never mind. just stop now" he thought, frantically.
she turned and retreated out.
"I LOVE YOU" he said...though he knew she couldn't hear or even understand the words.
after all, they weren't in her programming...

LIFE? naw...that's boring!

hello all!!!
it's been too long since i updated. so here i am...updating. please note all the newness. check out my picture!!! also, links are changed...THEY RYME!!! i tried to put up a song but i guess it didn't read correctly so i'll have to keep working on that.
so, LIFE
naw, that's boring!
i tried changing my template but really, this one is don't complain...or i will not do anything....or i will!!!
wait, i could do that!!
here comes soma soma something!!!
read on, my old prosthetic limbs! my little green baize card tables!!!

Monday, July 11

the birthday from hell!!!!!!!!!!!! (but not since you guys called and cheered me up!)

it's a 0!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy birthday to you (me)
you (me) live/work in the zoo
you (me) smell like something really good
and you (me) don't look like big pig, you idiot brandon!! (or an alpaca, nate, you jerk! lol)


today was not so nice but alas, my birthday has come and i am happy still and quite pleased by that fact! i wanted to thank you all for calling me because it really meant a lot to me. it was really good to hear your voices and i am truly greatful!

Sunday, July 10

new days of an all old girl...she's never been smooched!!

ok, so tomorrow is my birthday. i'm pretty excited to finally be sixteen. i'm hoping it will be a really good year for me. i just got home from a weekend in columbus where my cousing got married. it was pretty boring but i kept pretty active. she looked really pretty in her dress and all and her new husband looked very handsome. best wishes to them!
well, i got work tomorrow and i'm excited to be out and about on my birthday. yellow ducky, i got your message but it was too late to call. i'll try you some time tomorrow, k? well, bedtime for this almost-16 year old girly!
i am excited but a little's a sweet sixteen (sigh). no kisses for me...
lol, but still, 16 is gonna be a sweet year for me (not meant to be a pun, lol) and hey, maybe i'll be kissed this year!!!!!!