Saturday, August 6

it's been a long time, hasn't it old bell

i'm back from my trip!
it was awesome and i absolutely had a blast!
we saw:
"The Tempest"
"Fallen Angels"
"Wingfield's Inferno"
"Into the Woods"
"Measure for Measure"

they were all really good but my favorite would probably be "Into the Woods".
oh yeah, for "Measure for Measure" they set it in more modern times and it opened in a strip club! there were actors hanging on things and like, IMPLYING things!!! it was so gross!! all the girls were practically naked!!! oh, and this one guy (i will admit, he was very hot) who was dressed as a cowboy (you know, save a cow, ride a cowboy!) came over off the stage to where i was sitting, sat next to me and started talking to me and clara.
him: so, where you guys coming from?
me (thinking): are we supposed to talk to him? should i be flirting with him, or something?
clara: toledo, ohio
me (thinking): shut up, clara, this ones mine!
him: really? cool, so do you guys come up every year?
me (jumping in before clara so he didn't think i was mute): yeah, pretty much!
him: right on!
~he started to get up and as he was walking away he grabbed my shoulder and said:
"enjoy the show"
he hand slid off my shoulder and down my arm! he then went back to his racy dancing!!!
oh, and in "Into the Woods" there is this character, Jack (from the story "jack and the beanstalk") started flirting with me from on stage!!!
he gave me all these smiles (i knew it was to me because we had eye-contact) and he winked and me! and at the end of the show, he looked directly at me and waved. when i waved back, he laughed and smiled!!!!
well, goodnight, sweetums!

Sunday, July 31


don't you sometimes feel like a shell of courage surrounding a forever of timid?

thingy things...

yes, yes, i know, my fluffy-puff marshmellows, i haven't updated in forever! i also haven't talked to any of you in forever. work has been so consuming and zoo life grows every day. i am terribly sorry for this and i really really want to get in touch. soon, we need to call a tie meeting to schedule out some things to get done during the year. hopefully soon i'll have my driver's license (the soonest i can get it is in september and i still need quite a few more hours with mom and with an instructor). mom doesn't really want me driving more than one person around until i feel more comfertable. i asked her what would happen if mia and adelle both needed rides to a tie meeting or something and she said she might be able to bend the rule for that. and that's only if mia and adelle's mom would let them ride with me so....
i really wanted to become a useful asset but i'm not sure that it's as likely as i thought....
on tuesday, my family and i leave for stratford, canada. if you're good, i'll bring you guys back something!! we will be there until saturday. i'd like to call the gang and schedule an overnight at my house when i get back since everyone seems to agree "no younger siblings allowed". i also thought that this would be close to the perfect time since fair will be over, mia is bored (lol, or at least last time i talked to her she was), and school hasn't started. please let me guys know what you think.
i miss you guys so much so please call me or come to the zoo or something!!!!! we all need to talk and get ready for this school year. i feel confident, and i hope i'm not alone, that we will acomplish things for our group and that we'll finally get things off the ground. we should also celebrate the completion of our first full year (though, we didn't really do anything). i was hoping that we could jam a planning meeting, comedy movie night, and celebration of the year thingy all in one go. we'd have to really concentrate though and the members of tie would have to arrive here earlier than the non-members.
let me know, guys!! i miss and love you all!!! drop me card, potatoe skins!!!!